• Institute of Transpersonal Psychology



    Institute of Transpersonal Psychology

    Sofia University/ITP is a private, non-sectarian graduate school accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Founded in 1975, the Institute began as a groundbreaking center of integrative, whole-person learning and training. Today, ITP is a leader in transpersonal research and education of clinicians, spiritual guides, wellness caregivers, and consultants who apply transpersonal principles and values in a variety of settings.



    The Institute's stimulating and transformative educational paradigm, valuing the mind, body, spirit connection, attracts students from all over the world to both residential and distance-learning programs. The field of Transpersonal Psychology is concerned with expanding the frontiers of psychology and spirituality for the betterment of humanity and the sustainability of the planet.



    The Institute offers a variety of exciting graduate degree programs with a choice of delivery options for students on campus, out of state, and abroad. The unique educational model of ITP emphasizes whole person learning, balancing didactic content with opportunities for personal development in six areas of human experience: intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, creativity, and community. Students in all programs are educated in both classical and modern, innovative psychological and spiritual traditions. With an emphasis on collaboration, each program fosters strong, communal learning environments through which students develop professional skills while engaging in transformational inner work.



    Sofia University is located in Palo Alto, two miles from Stanford University, just south of San Francisco, north of Santa Cruz and across the bay from Berkeley. Students at the Institute enjoy the benefits of living in a dynamic residential community, just minutes away from two major urban areas.

    Palo Alto is noted for its access to a diverse mix of cultural, educational and recreational resources. The southern peninsula offers easy access to the Santa Cruz mountains and foothills - including a protected state park habitat for coastal redwoods - miles of public beaches and lush wine country. The sunny and temperate climate permits a variety of outdoor activities year-round.


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    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 25 July 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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