• Cogswell Polytechnical College



    Cogswell Polytechnical College


    Cogswell Polytechnical College is a private college located in Sunnyvale, California. It holds accreditation through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Cogswell had a small student body of approximately 250 full-time and 80 part-time students in 2011.



    Programs at the Cogswell range from Digital Media to Engineering and the newly founded Entrepreneurship program.

    Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Cogswell is a prestigious institution offering technology-driven and innovative degree programs. Cogswell specializes in helping creative people develop their talent and ideas. We offer the following degree programs:

    • Digital Art & Animation
    • Digital Arts Engineering
    • Digital Audio Technology
    • Computer Engineering
    • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
    • Software Engineering
    • Fire Science

    Cogswell specializes in digital animation and video game design. Its computer graphics degree program is the longest-running in the Bay Area. It includes Project X, an invitation-only animated film production course that approximates the experience of interning in the industry.

    Student's Testimonial

    Greg Reisdorf Cogswell alumnus (2003), Senior Level Designer, Sledgehammer Games

    I got to where I am today thanks to Cogswell. The classes and instructors helped me get a strong foundation for learning how to make games. I was able to take that knowledge and create my own team, my own game, and my own company. Now I've expanded further to put my skills to work at one of the best game studios in the world.

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    Last Updated: 24 July 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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