• San Francisco State University



    San Francisco State University


    San Francisco State University (commonly referred to as San Francisco State, SF State and SFSU) is a public university located in San Francisco, California, United States. As part of the 23-campus California State University system,




    The university's academic colleges are:

    • Arts and Humanities
    • Business
    • Education
    • Ethnic Studies
    • Health and Human Services
    • Science and Engineering

    In addition, the University has a College of Extended Learning. SF State is one of the best universities in California, known for its artistic buildings and strive for excellence. SF State is on the semester system. The university awards bachelor's degrees in 115 areas of specialization, master's degrees in 97, and a doctor of education (Ed.D.) in educational leadership. It jointly offers three doctoral programs; a doctorate in education in partnership with University of California, Berkeley with a concentration in special education, and two doctorates in physical therapy with University of California, San Francisco.

    SF State is a major training ground for lawyers and lawmakers in California. It ranks 18th among the top 20 undergraduate schools whose alumni go on to be admitted to the State Bar.

    The Cinema department, in the College of Creative Arts, was named one of the nation's "top film schools" by Entertainment Weekly in 2000



    • The university is currently ranked as the 45th best master's-granting university in the Western United States by U.S. News & World Report.
    • U.S. News & World Report ranks San Francisco State University 1st in reputation among its "Western University peers" in 2000.
    • U.S. News & World Report ranks San Francisco State as 8th nationally in the number of transfer students.
    • San Francisco State University ranks 1st nationwide in the number of biological sciences undergrads who go on to earn biology PhDs according to the most recent National Science Foundation report.
    Student's Testimonial

    Robert M. Hawkins
    BA, English Literature


    The award-winning speech and debate program... captures what makes SF State and San Francisco great — an open-minded, progressive and thriving community, full of people with unique perspectives on life. It rocks!


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    Last Updated: 24 July 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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