• Humboldt State University



    Humboldt State University


    Humboldt State University (HSU) is the northernmost campus of the California State University system, located in Arcata within Humboldt County, California, USA. Humboldt State Normal School was established as a teacher's college on June 16, 1913, by then-California Governor Hiram Johnson.





    • Best Western Colleges. Chosen because it stands out in its region (being the only university in the extended geographic region), HSU is one of the 123 colleges named a Best Western College by The Princeton Review.
    • Colleges With a Conscience. HSU is one of the colleges profiled in The Princeton Review's book, Colleges with a Conscience: 81 Great Schools with Outstanding Community Involvement.
    • Universities-Master's (West): Top Schools. U.S. News & World Report chose HSU as a 2010 Top Master's Level University in the Western United States.
    • First Tier of Western Universities (Top 15).
    • Top 10 Counterculture Colleges.?


    We offer a full range of majors. Our most popular disciplines include Art, Biology, Business Administration, Elementary Education, English, Kinesiology, Psychology and Wildlife. In all, we offer 44 undergraduate majors, 73 undergraduate minor degrees, 72 options/concentrations, 12 graduate programs, 13 credential programs and 12 certificates of study.

    The university is divided into three colleges:

    • The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences;
    • The College of Natural Resources and Sciences;
    • The College of Professional Studies.


    The main campus, nestled at the edge of a coast redwood forest, has commanding views of Humboldt Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Its location eight miles (13 km) north of Eureka and 279 miles (449 km) north of San Francisco on the North Coast of California is notable for its natural beauty and relative remoteness.

    University Catalog


    2012-2013 Catalog

    Student's Testimonial

    Du Cheng

    HSU was one of the choices I have on my exchange program list. But I never knew how awesome it was until I came. The school is surrounded by redwoods like a citrine inlayed in an emerald. I am so amazed by a lot of things. Professors, like Diane Johnson, know everyone's names. President Rollin Richmond is super nice. He talks to students and invites us to his office. The International Center helps us with everything. I am especially amazed by the involvement and quality of undergraduate research here. At the peak time, there were 10 undergraduate students in Dr. Zhong's lab like me. We had five presentations accepted to the CSU Biology Symposium 2011.


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    Last Updated: 12 August 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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