• Antioch University,Los Angeles



    Antioch University,Los Angeles


    Antioch University Los Angeles is a place where individual spirit thrives, and collective community grows.  With more than 6,000 distinguished alumni, AULA has been honored to serve the diverse communities of the greater Los Angeles area since 1972.



    Our core  values of social justice, service to community, and life long learning comprise the heart of our B.A. degree completion program and masters degree programs in organizational management, education and teacher credentialing, psychology, urban sustainability and creative writing. AULA’s newest program, the Master of Arts in Urban Sustainability grew organically in response to the increasing awareness of interconnectivity among environmental, economic and social issues. This low-residency, interdisciplinary program offers a unique structure to prepare well-informed scholars, community leaders and activists to advocate for sustainable urban policy and social change in the face of the growing global environmental crisis.



    Antioch University Los Angeles is currently home to a number of undergraduate and graduate programs: BA in Liberal Studies, which includes the Bridge Program; MA in Clinical Psychology; MA in Education; MA in Organizational Management; a low-residency MFA in Creative Writing and the new MA in Urban Sustainability program (also a low-residency program). AULA also offers a teaching credentialing program, as well as several non-degree certificate programs.

    • B.A. in Liberal Studies
    • Bridge
    • Master of Arts in Organizational Management
    • M.A. in Psychology
    • M.A. in Urban Sustainability
    • MFA in Creative Writing
    • Education Department

    Cecilia Woloch

    M.F.A. Creative Writing

    “… The two years I spent in the MFA program were two of the most productive years of my writing life thus far. When I graduated, I had most of the material that would comprise my next two books of poems, along with a prose manuscript-in-progress that's currently serving as the basis for a long work of creative nonfiction. None of this would have happened without the guidance and encouragement I got from my mentors at Antioch.… ”


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    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 24 July 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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