

    TAFE NSW is Australia’s leading provider of vocational education and training with more than 500,000 enrolments each year. Whether you’re an individual looking for your first job, a promotion, a career change or a pathway to a degree or you're an employer seeking training solutions for your workforce, TAFE NSW can deliver a range of courses and services to suit your needs.

    TAFE NSW delivers a range of long and short courses that offer a choice of industry areas, learning styles and qualifications to suit your needs. Courses are offered full-time, part-time and flexibly through distance and online learning.

    This center offer over 1,200 nationally recognized qualifications from Certificate to Advanced Diploma level, as well as Statements of Attainment and TAFE NSW statements. They also offer a wide range of short courses for professional development or to help you accelerate your career. Recognized qualifications including Certificates I to IV, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas.

    Whatever your situation, TAFE NSW provides various learning pathways available to help you achieve your goals. The skills and knowledge you gain during your career and education are recognized and can be credited towards future studies and qualifications. If you are a school or university student you may get credit towards a TAFE NSW course. Many TAFE NSW qualifications also give you credit towards degree studies.

    This collage has perfect student center including;

    Also this TAFE has over 130 metropolitan and regional campuses, which are grouped by geographic area into Institutes. There are ten Institutes across NSW - four metropolitan Institutes and six regional Institutes. Ten institutes are:


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 20 March 2013
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