• TAFE Western Australia







    TAFE Western Australia

    TAFE International has for the past 20 years, been preparing students for entry into the global economy and being successes. TAFE Western Australia education and training courses are internationally recognized. TAFE WA provides students with a satisfying learning experience. Courses are nationally accredited and students have the services of highly qualified and experienced teachers.

    TAFE WA network consists of 10 colleges with 50 campuses throughout Western Australia. TAFE WA also has a partnership with Curtin University of Technology to offer courses through the Vocational Training and Education Centres in Kalgoorlie and Esperance. As a student at TAFE WA you can expect fantastic facilities, great surroundings, locations convenient to transport and shops, and an exciting variety of campus activities.

    TAFE International Western Australia


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 20 March 2013
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