• Queensland Foundation

  • Foundation at Queensland

    The program is accredited to provide students with a Certificate IV in University Preparation. Students who achieve the specific standards are guaranteed a place in the first year of undergraduate courses at The University of Queensland. Graduates enter all faculties of UQ including Arts, Sciences, Business, Economics and Law, Engineering,  Architecture and Information Technology, Health Sciences, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, and Social and Behavioural Sciences.

    Students who are Australian citizens or who hold current Australian Permanent Residency status are not able to be admitted to the program. There are three different programs, with five intake dates throughout the year.

    • Standard PLUS Program - 44 weeks
    • Standard Program - 37 weeks
    • Express Program - 27 weeks



    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 27 September 2012
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