• New Castle Foundation

  • Foundation at New Castle

    The role of the University of Newcastle (UON) Foundation is to attract philanthropic support from alumni, community, business organizations and industry leaders in support of the University. We do this through seeking donations, investments and endowments. These are used for scholarships, academic positions and research centres. Our role is also to invest these funds and to ensure they are managed in the best interests of the donors, the beneficiaries and the University.

    The UON Foundation is built on a very strong tradition that goes back to the origins of the University. Since 1965 when the University achieved autonomy, members of the Hunter community and University graduates have continued to support us in a variety of ways, from raising funds for the Great Hall, through to scholarships and prizes and endowed chairs. This has helped shape the identity of the University of Newcastle and has provided it with a secure and solid base on which to build a strong University.

    Entry requirement

    • Diploma of Secondary and pre-university certificate
    • At least 17 years old
    • IELTS 5.5



    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 27 September 2012
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