• The International Medical University



    The International Medical University-food Sciences



    Nutrition is the science that deals with the study of foods and nutrients and their effect on health, growth and development of an individual. Dietetics is the practical application of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease. Nutrition and dietetics is an exciting and challenging field with an encouraging future. With the rise in non-communicable diseases related to nutrition (for example obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancers), there is increased interest in healthy eating and lifestyles. More people are turning to nutritionists and dietitians for expert advice. Hospitals, industry and communities are continually looking for qualified dietetians to help develop wellness and diet programmes and provide diet therapy to individuals with diseases.

    “Our graduates can be employed by hospitals, government agencies & programmes, universities & research institutions, business and industries. We are committed to train students to have the necessary skills to be competent professionals and provide advice to the general public as well as patients on nutrition and dietetic matters”





    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 01 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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