• Eynesbury Foundation

  • Foundation at Eynesbury

    Eynesbury is a specialist pre-university institution where students work towards the common goal of university entrance. As the exclusive provider of several prestigious and successful University preparatory programs, Eynesbury has unique credentials in preparing international students for university life and study. Since 1994 Eynesbury has provided a Foundation Studies Program for the three South Australian Universities (The University of Adelaide, Flinders University and The University of South Australia).

    The Foundation Studies Program provides an excellent preparation for tertiary study, maintaining high academic standards and giving careful attention to the individual needs of international students. Foundation students are given provisional admission into the degree of their choice subject to performance in the Foundation Studies Program.  Admission is confirmed when students complete the program and achieve the necessary score for that degree as set by the university.

    Since Eynesbury provides a common Foundation program on behalf of all three South Australian universities, students may change their degree preferences during the course of the program subject to approval being obtained from the relevant university to whom the student's visa is currently packaged with and subject to there being available places, meeting any academic pre-requisites and achieving the required entry score for the new course. 

    Foundation students benefit from being part of a combined English language (ELICOS) centre and senior secondary college for Australian and International students. The Foundation Studies Program (FSP) is available in three modes of delivery:  Standard, Acceleratedand Extended and there are five streams of specialisation:  Science, Business, Humanities, Health Sciences and Engineering.

    FSP Courses

    • Standard program(commences in January). 38 WEEKS - University Entry in Semester 1 of the year following enrolment.
    • Accelerated program(commences in April or October). 28 WEEKS - University Entry in Semester 1 or 2 of the year following enrolment.
    • Extended program(commences in October). 13 WEEKS (plus 38 weeks standard course) - University FSP Standard Course commences in February of the year following enrolment.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 27 September 2012
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