• Australian Groups of Universities



    Groups of Universities

    Universities that share common characteristics have formed groups and networks that to some extent illustrate differences in focus and objectives between groups of universities and the commonalities of those within the group. These groups may be linked through a formal network, such as the Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN). In contrast, Regional Universities do not constitute a formal network but these Universities do share the characteristic of their major campus being situated in a regional center.





    Group of 8 (Go8)

    These universities are the oldest in Australia.

    They are regularly listed towards the top of any ranking scheme that includes Australian universities.

    They also:

    • receive over 70% of national research grants,
    • employ 80% of university researchers,
    • produce 60% of research publications,
    • generate 80% of the most highly cited university publications.

    The members are:

    • University of Adelaide
    • Australian National University
    • University of Melbourne
    • Monash University
    • University of New South Wales
    • University of Queensland
    • University of Sydney
    • University of Western Australia
    Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN)

    This is a grouping of five universities that share a common focus regarding the practical application of tertiary studies and research.

    The members are:

    • Curtin University of Technology
    • University of South Australia
    • RMIT University
    • University of Technology Sydney
    • Queensland University of Technology
    Innovative Research Universities Australia (IRU Australia)

    This is a grouping of seven universities, established as research-based universities with:

    • a comprehensive disciplinary coverage,
    • a strong commitment to innovation,
    • an inter-disciplinary focus.

    The members are:

    • Charles Darwin University
    • Flinders University
    • Griffith University
    • James Cook University
    • La Trobe University
    • Murdoch University
    • The University of Newcastle
    Regional Universities

    These are universities that serve the needs of a regional area in Australia:

    • Central Queensland University
    • Charles Darwin University
    • Charles Sturt University
    • Deakin University
    • James Cook University
    • La Trobe University
    • The University of New England  
    • The University of Newcastle
    • University of Ballarat 
    • University of Southern Queensland
    • University of the Sunshine Coast
    • University of Tasmania
    • University of Wollongong 
    New Generation Universities (NGU)

    All of these universities formed after 1970. This group shares an approach based on the interactions of learning, teaching, research and community engagement.

    • Australian Catholic University
    • Central Queensland University
    • Edith Cowan University
    • Southern Cross University
    • Victoria University
    • University of Ballarat
    • University of Canberra
    • University of Southern Queensland
    • University of the Sunshine Coast
    • University of Western Sydney
    International groupings

    One of the most noteworthy groups that includes these Australian universities is Universitas 21:

    • University of Melbourne,
    • University of New South Wales,
    • University of Queensland.



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    Last Updated: 03 June 2014
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