• Group of 8 Universities




    Group of 8 Universities

    Welcome to the Group of Eight    

    The Group of Eight (Go8) is a coalition of leading Australian universities, intensive in research and comprehensive in general and professional education. These universities include: Australian National Unversity (ANU), The University of Sydney, The University of Melbourne, Monash University, University of New South Wales (UNSW), University of Queensland, University of Western Australia (UWA), and The University of Adelaide.

    The Go8 exists to:

    • enhance the contribution of its member universities to the nation’s social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being and prosperity;
    • extend the contribution of its member universities to the generation and preservation of the world’s stock of knowledge;
    • strengthen Australia’s capacity to engage in and benefit from global developments, respond to global and local challenges;
    • expand opportunities for Australian students, regardless of background, to participate in higher education of world class.

    The group has been operating as an informal network of vice-chancellors since 1994. It was formally incorporated in September 1999. From 2000 to 2007 the Go8's executive director was Ms Virginia Walsh and the secretariat was located in Manuka, Canberra.

    In 2007, Ms Walsh retired and Michael Gallagher became the second Go8 executive director. The secretariat moved to its current premises in Turner, Canberra,in December 2007. The Chair of the Go8 Board rotates among member universities. Previous Go8 Chairs are: Professor Alan Robson AM (2007-2010), Professor Glyn Davis AC (2005-2007); Professor Ian Chubb AC (2003-2005), Professor Alan Gilbert AO (2003), Professor John Hay AC (2001-2003) and Professor Gavin Brown AO (1999-2001).   


    The Go8 secretariat, located in Canberra, Australia’s national capital, works to maximise the potential for collaboration in a competitive environment, adding value for individual universities and for Australia through:          

    • Influencing national policies for higher education and university research
    • Providing high quality policy analysis and advice services to its members & their staff
    • Facilitating collaboration
    • Developing international strategic alliances & networks
    • Sustaining quality brand recognition
    • Benchmarking for performance improvement
    • Offering a trusted network through which ideas & expertise are shared among the leaders of Go8 universities
    • Building community support for research universities                     

    The Go8 office in Canberra offers meeting rooms and office facilities to senior staff of Go8 member universities, members of Go8 committees, international partner organisations and student organisations conducting business in Canberra. Please contact the Go8 Office Manager on [email protected].      





    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 16 January 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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