• Pre Departure Service


    Australia's Pre-departure


    Australia is a land of contrast from tropical rain forests in the north to deserts in the centre and west with a range of climates and topography in between.

    You are about to make one of your life's most important journeys; it is therefore imperative that you are well prepared. The following check lists will help you make yourpreparations.                                                   


    • Pack prescriptions for regular medications that you need to take
    • Obtain certification letter from your medical doctor if you bring into Australia pharmaceutical drugs required for your medical treatment. Customs officers may ask you to explain the purpose of your medication
    • Bring a spare pair of spectacles or spare contact lenses, as these may be expensive to replace in Australia. An optical prescription may also be useful.
    • Purchase an adapter to use your electrical appliances in Australia.
    • Ensure you have arranged for your accommodation in Australia.
    • You may need to arrange for an International Driving Permit if you are intending to drive in Australia.
    • Bring certified true copies of your academic transcripts, relevant syllabus, and handbook from that institute, plus English translations, if applicable, if you wish to apply for credit towards your degree on the basis of studies completed elsewhere.

    • Keep with you proof of purchase of your personal computer.
    • Ensure that your passport has not expired, and has a minimum of 6 months validity.
    • Consider making banking arrangements before leaving.
    • Ensure your visa has been issued.
    •  Ensure you have made all your travel arrangements, and your tickets have been issued.
    • Ensure that you have arranged your Health Insurance.
    • Have your teeth checked, as dentistry is not covered by the basic medical insurance.

    Studyco offers services to students before they leave their home country, and in Australia. 

    Airport pickup and accommodation services are also arranged through the universities before students leave to study abroad.

    Entry requirements 

    Students need a sufficient level of English language proficiency and must meet minimum academic requirements to study in Australia. Institutions will assess whether you meet the selection criteria set for your proposed course of study. They will look at the level and content of the study you have completed in Australia or your home country.

    Student Visa requirements

    To be granted a student visa you must satisfy the visa requirements and comply with a number of visa conditions for attendance and academic performance which come into effect after you have entered Australia. Your Student (Temporary) Visa will list the conditions that apply specifically to you. It is important to comply with your visa conditions to avoid visa cancellation.

    Important Laws

    Bribery - is not tolerated by Australian society and is an offence punishable by law.

    Customs Laws - Australia has strict immigration and customs laws, it is therefore important that you do not breach any condition of your student visa otherwise you may have your visa cancelled and be deported.


    Studyco is proud to be working with you to develop your career and we look forward to assisting you with the important task of living and studying in Australia.
    Choosing to study overseas is a big decision and for this reason it is vitally important that you succeed in your studies.






    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 15 January 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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