• Chase Academy


    Chase Academy

    Since 1996 their school has been known as Chase Academy. Under that name it has flourished. The school has regularly been at the top of the county league tables and, for instance, last year in the top hundred schools in the whole country for A level results.




    Chase Grammar School is small (less than 300 students) and the classes are small (averaging 15 students). This means that teachers and students know each other very well. It gives the school a family atmosphere.

    The school welcomes boys and girls from Nursery age to A level. This provides a continuity of education by eliminating the stresses of school transfer. The programme of study extends throughout the school and the best use is made of strong early foundations. The high academic standards are maintained throughout the school and rapidly acquired by those who enter later.

    Chase Grammar School is a Christian school but we welcome students of all faiths. We have close links with local churches, particularly the parish church of St Luke's Church, Cannock.

    Chase Grammar School offers education for overseas students, both in the specialised International Study Centre and within the main school. Students who already possess good working skills in English may join the main school directly.

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    Chase Grammar School is a modern, day and boarding school with an on-site day nursery. We cater for all aspects of child care and education from infancy to A Level. Since 1979 it has provided high quality independent education at an affordable price to the families of Cannock and beyond.








    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 21 February 2013
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