• Multimedia University



    Multimedia University-Science


    The Life Science Programme is the subordinate of Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FIST), in Multimedia University, Melaka Campus. The administrative and academic centre resides at FIST Dean's Office, Block A, IT Building.

    The University began its venture with the planning and development of the two Bachelor of Science courses in Life Sciences in 2005. Following the approval by "Lembaga Akreditasi Malaysia (LAN) ", two undergraduate degrees, namely the Bachelor of Science (Hons) Bioinformatics and the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Medical Information Technology were firstly offered in 2007 with modest number of 25 students.

    The programme is parked under the Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FIST) in Malacca campus of Multimedia University. It offers two undergraduate degrees comprise Bachelor of Science (Hons) Bioinformatics and Bachelor of Science (Hons) Medical Information Technology.

    Faculty members are committed to excellence in the classroom and to the challenge of nurturing the intellectual growth of students. The faculty’s academic programs emphasize the importance of thinking rationally, communicating effectively, acting purposefully, and dealing effectively with others in a diverse global society. Being one of the few institutions of higher learning in Malaysia to offer these degrees, the programme is led by a team of highly committed academic staff with strong background in information technology as well as biological and biomedical sciences. The programme is also supported by a team of experienced staff to administer all student-related affairs.

    The life science programme is designed parallely to university’s mission in order to nurture professionals who are knowledgeable, competent and equipped with  practical know-how skills to serve the new and fast-growing knowledge-based industries in variety of fields such as  medical, health, biotechnology, and other research sectors.




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    Last Updated: 02 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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