• Multimedia University



    Multimedia University

    Multimedia University is Malaysia's first private university. It has two campuses: one in Cyberjaya and one in Melaka. The distance between the two campuses is 150 kilometers, via the North South Expressway.



    Growing to over 20,000 students in 12 short years, MMU has achieved much in a relatively short period of time. The university runs in two campuses, its original campus in the historical city of Melaka, and the campus in Cyberjaya that was opened by the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed. It has produced 22,820 graduates in its time, and a recent survey demonstrates that 93% of these secure employment within 6 months of the completion of studies. It has also grown an outstanding pool of international students numbering at 4,200 from 75 countries. Establishing itself as a major player in research and development, and maintaining excellent ties with the industry through collaborations and research partnerships, MMU now hosts 13 Research Centres to date, focusing in the niche areas of nanotechnology, microsystems, biometrics, virtual reality, microwave and telecommunications, engineering, photonics, advanced robotics and business.


    Faculties in Cyberjaya Campus

    Faculties in Melaka Campus


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    Last Updated: 16 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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