• La Sierra University



    La Sierra University


    La Sierra University is a Seventh-day Adventist co-educational university located in Riverside, California, United States. La Sierra was founded in 1922.



    U.S. News & World Report named La Sierra University the most diverse university in the western United States the past five years.

    • College of Arts & Sciences

    The College of Arts & Sciences offers Bachelor of Arts degrees, Bachelor of Science degrees, a Bachelor of Music degree, a Bachelor of Social Work degree, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. The College also offers a Master of Arts degree in English, as well as coursework leading to admission into pre-professional programs

    • School of Business

    The School of Business offers bachelor’s degrees (B.A., B.S.), a graduate degree (M.B.A.), and a Certificate in Leadership, Values, and Ethics for Business and Management.

    • School of Education

    The School of Education offers degrees from four academic departments that include: Administration and Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, School Psychology and Counseling, and Online programs.

    Curricula are offered for the degrees Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Special Education, Specialist in Education, and Doctor of Education. Our credential programs are structured to fulfill requirements for teaching and service credentials prescribed by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Department of Education and/or the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

    • School of Religion

    The School of Religion offers the Bachelor of Arts degree in religious studies, plus the non-degree pre-seminary track which prepares students for seminary or graduate education for ministry and may be pursued along with any desired major.

    The graduate programs offered by the School of Religion fall into the categories of graduate academic and graduate professional. The academic programs serve mainly to engage students in advanced studies in the field of religion beyond the undergraduate level. The professional programs prepare students for the professional practice of Christian ministry and for professional doctoral studies.



    Located in Riverside, California, our spacious 150-acre campus includes tree-shaded green lawns, artwork, and a waterfall in addition to our academic facilities. In fact, the city of Riverside presented La Sierra with an award for the beauty of our campus. Our facilities include the Price Science Complex, library, museums, observatory, Brandstater Gallery, computing laboratory, athletic facilities, residence halls, and more.  It is our people, though, that makes us memorable.









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    Last Updated: 12 August 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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