• Technical University of Malaysia Melaka (UTem)



    Technical University of Malaysia Melaka


    Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), which was incorporated in December 2000, is the 14th Institution of Higher Learning (IHL) in Malaysia. The Faculty of Technology Management & Technopreneurship (FPTT) was established on 19th March 2009 and has started its operations at the City Campus, in the heart of the World Heritage City of Historic Melaka.


    FPTT has indeed created a history for being the sixth faculty to offer programs at Bachelor Degree level at UTeM. With its establishment, the faculty integrate a technology and business approach in enhancing the knowledge and skills of human capital.  The FPTT curriculum was developed to address issues and challenges in managing the the force of globalization, rapid pace of technological changes, market and competition, product complexity, pressure of production cost, high cost and risk of research and development, and government regulations and market diversity.

    Thus, FPTT plays a vital role in creating professionals at technology-oriented companies, employees at large firms, founders of start-ups with knowledge  in the areas of technology management and technopreneurship. By diversifying the courses into both functional and practice-based, graduates will be competent  with the skills in technical marketing, managing technical human resources, and leadership and communication. 

    A unique feature is that the program incorporates Internship, requiring students to do industrial attachment for 18 weeks. This provides students with invaluable working experience even before they graduated. The combination of classroom lectures and real life exposure enhance the employability of the graduates.

    FPTT management team is headed by a Dean, assisted by two deputy deans and four departmental heads together with principal assistance registrar. The four departments are:

    • Department of Technology Management
    • Department of Technopreneurship
    • Department of Post-graduate Studies
    • Business Start-Up Unit (BSU)








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    Last Updated: 28 February 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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