• University of Science Malaysia



    iversity of Science Malaysia


    Universiti Sains Malaysia  is a public university in Malaysia. With around 28,287 (postgraduates and undergraduates) students in 2009, USM is one of the biggest universities in terms of enrollment in Malaysia. The number of lecturers is about 1,479, which leads to a student-lecturer ratio of around 1:19.




    The list of courses offered by each School has been approved by the University’s Senate. Each semester, no less than 800 courses are offered. Specific details pertaining to each course offered by the respective schools can be viewed at the Courses Offered by the University webpage.


    Technology-based schools

    All located at Engineering Campus except The School of Housing, Building and Planning (main campus) and The School of Industrial Technology (main campus).

    • The School of Aerospace Engineering
    • The School of Civil Engineering
    • The School of Chemical Engineering
    • The School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    • The School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering
    • The School of Mechanical Engineering
    • The School of Housing, Building and Planning
    • The School of Industrial Technology

    Liberal arts schools

    All located at main campus, island of Penang.

    • The School of Arts
    • The School of Communication
    • The School of Educational Studies
    • The School of Humanities
    • The School of Social Sciences
    • The School of Management

    Pure science schools

    All located at main campus, island of Penang.

    • The School of Biological Sciences
    • The School of Chemical Sciences
    • The School of Mathematical Sciences
    • The School of Computer Sciences
    • The School of Physics

    Health science schools

    All located at Health Campus, Kelantan except The School of Pharmacy (main campus) and Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI).

    • The School of Medical Sciences
    • The School of Dental Sciences
    • The School of Health Sciences
    • The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    • Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI)



    It is no coincidence that the Main campus has the name of a German city (Minden). The campus was built on the territory of a the former British Minden Barracks, which themselves where named after the Battle of Minden.

    Besides the main campus in Minden, USM has two other campuses: one at Kubang Kerian in Kelantan known as Health Campus and the other at Seri Ampangan, Nibong Tebal in mainland Penang known as Engineering Campus.

    Started as a USM hospital in 1982, the health campus has expanded after the School of Medical Science was moved from the main campus to the present site which is 72.84 hectares. The School of Medical Science was moved from the main campus in June 1984. The Medical School recently celebrated 30 years since its establishment. There are now two other schools in the health campus — the School of Dental Science and the School of Allied Health Sciences.


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    Last Updated: 28 November 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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