• Islamic Science University of Malaysia



    Islamic Science University of Malaysia-Dentistry



    The Faculty of Dentistry is housed together with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK) USIM at Block B, MPAJ Tower, Pandan Indah which is about 10 km from Kuala Lumpur City Center (KLCC). Levels 15, 16 and 17 are dedicated for the Faculty of Dentistry to accommodate facilities that are specific to the undergraduate dental degree programme. Besides using the same building, the faculties share common resources in terms of physical facilities as well as human resources.

    The Faculty of Dentistry at the USIM conducts a five-year educational programme for the Bachelor of Dental Surgery. Successful candidates shall be awarded the degree BDS (USIM).

    The basic concept of all programmes offered at USIM is based on its philosophy of integration between revealed and acquired knowledge. The course is designed to give the scientific background, the practical skills and desirable attitude needed for safe and independent practice of dentistry. It is provided within the framework of the Islamic ideological world-view for pursuit of both the rational medical/dental studies as well as Islamic medical/dental philosophy.

    The goal of the Faculty is to produce graduates who always believe in oneness of Allah, are technically competent, scientifically knowledgeable, biologically oriented, committed to respect for human dignity, socially sensitive, ethically and professionally responsible and an effective team member.





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    Last Updated: 23 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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