• Twintech International



    Twintech International University College of Technology-Nursing



    Among thousand types of professions all over the world there are few which offers you to help others who are in need.

    The profession of being a nurse offers you this advantage of lending a helping hand to the poor and the sick.

    Not only paying you monthly salary but learning this programme is capable of giving the immense pleasure and satisfaction which others are not able to grab.

    Career in nursing offers many alternative position and tasks such as working in hospitals, outpatient care centers, physicians’ offices, home health care and nursing care facilities.

    Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences also provides Diploma in Medical Imaging which explores a broad knowledge of biophysical and health sciences.





    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 30 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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