• Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS



    Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS-Engineering



    Chemical Engineering Department

    Chemical Engineers are concerned primarily with the design, operation and management of processing systems to alter and upgrade raw materials into products that are more useful to society (and therefore more valuable). In the design and operation of such facilities two competing concerns are generally paramount: the need to minimize both costs and environmental impact. The Chemical Engineering Department at UTP currently offers the following programs:



    Civil Engineering Department

    In general, Civil Engineering involves the application of engineering principles to the design, construction and maintenance of infrastructures including buildings, roads, bridges, dams, water and wastewater treatment plant, oil and gas production facilities and others.

    Students are also exposed to courses in transportation engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, water and wastewater engineering.

    In addition to the above courses, students have the opportunity to major in one of these selected areas in the final year of their study namely:

    • Offshore Oil & Gas Structures
    • Coastal Engineering
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Sustainable Development & Construction
    • Construction Technology and Value Management




    Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department

    Since its establishment in 1997 the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) has grown in number to 50 academic and 20 support staff coming from diverse background bringing with them wide industrial experiences as well experiences from the academic world. The department is located in Blocks 22 and 23 of the Academic Building Complex.

    We offer an industry relevant undergraduates program and multi-disciplinary postgraduates program serving diverse international students as well as multinational global corporate employer.




    Mechanical Engineering Department

    The Programme of Mechanical Engineering is focusing on the application of engineering principles to the design, development and manufacturing of mechanical devices and systems. The programme’s objective is to produce competent mechanical engineering graduates who are creative and innovative in the design, analysis and operation management of mechanical design systems, with R&D and leadership capabilities.

    The programme stresses on strong foundation in Mathematics and Physics followed by a thorough coverage of basic engineering courses such as Engineering Drawing, Statics, Manufacturing Technology, Dynamics, Introduction to Material Science, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Aided Engineering Design, Solid Mechanics, Mechanics of Machines, Electrical Power and Machines, and Control Systems.
    In the later years of study, students are exposed to courses in Engineering Materials, Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering Design, Manufacturing Systems and Operations, Vibrations, and Mechanical Systems Design.
    In addition to the above courses, students have the opportunity to major in one of these selected areas:
    • Automotive.
    • Energy.
    • Manufacturing.
    • Materials.
    • Petroleum.



    Geoscience & Petroleum Engineering Department

    The department of Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering was established in 2006. Since then, the department has evolved and received its first  undergraduate students in January 2007. Currently, there are more than five hundred students in the department including postgraduate students.

    Located in Block 16 and 15 of the Academic Building Complex, at this moment, there are 18 academics, 2 administrative staff and 5 technicians supporting the department. Apart from that, the department also has two Professorial Chairs, 1 in Petroleum Engineering from Schlumberger and 1  in Petroleum Geoscience from Shell.

    At Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering, various programmes related to oil and gas industry are offered at undergraduate and postgraduate level. As the development of the department continues, we will keep on moving to strengthen our curricula and at the same time explore research areas that contribute significantly to the development of the nation.










    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 18 February 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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