• University Malaysia Sabah



    University Malaysia Sabah-Engineering & IT


    The School of Engineering and Information Technology was established in 1996 to meet the increasing needs of skilled manpower of the country in the field of engineering and information technology. The goals for the establishment of the school are in line with the mission of UMS to become an innovative university. The school strives to foster and promote an environment conducive to teaching and learning as well as excellence particularly in engineering and information technology.

    Currently, SEIT offers five core professional programmes, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, and Computer Engineering, as well as two Information Technology programmes, Computer Science and Information System Management. The integration of the Engineering and Information Technology programmes under one-roof is an innovative initiative as many of the Information Technology system have been applied in solving complex engineering problems.

    A few examples of integration of research between engineering and computerization are the production of advance material chips, building structure design, intelligent process control to control chemical plants, robotics to manufacturing industries, and artificial intelligence in satellite radar and aerospace technologies. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the application of downstream computerization is also important to aid information system management especially in the era of the world without boundaries, and to improvise media telecommunication system. Programmes:










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    Last Updated: 24 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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