• University of Technology Malaysia



    University of Technology Malaysia-Education


    The Faculty of Education was established in August 1993. The faculty offers various educational programmes at the first degree until the post-graduate levels. At the undergraduate level, the Bachelor of Computer Science in Education is designed to enable students to successfully master the courses that they have selected. In addition, students are trained to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills in Information Communication Technology (ICT) and the use of Multimedia in Education. The faculty offers courses which specialized in Science and Mathematics Education, Social Education and Engineering Technology. The implementation of the programs in the Faculty of Education is conducted in cooperation with other faculties in University Technology of Malaysia (UTM).



    • Department of Educational Foundations
    • Department of Science and Mathematic Education
    • Department of Educational Multimedia
    • Department of Technical and Engineering Education
    • Department of Social Education








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    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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