• Tun Hussein Onn University Malaysia



    Tun Hussein Onn University Malaysia-Copmputer & IT


    Faculty  of  Computer Science and Information Technology  (FSKTM) in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) was newly established on 1 Mei 2004. FSKTM was upgraded from the Department of Information Technology. This faculty plays the role to produce experts in information technology and to fulfill the needs of local and industry abroad. FSKTM is heading by a Dean, Deputy Dean and two department heads. This faculty consists of 4 departments, namely, Multimedia Department, Software Engineering Department, Web Technology Department and Information Security Department. These departments are supporting by academic staff who are experienced, with vision, dynamic and progressive. Technical and support staff who are innovative, efficient and well-trained are also there to assist the departments.






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    Last Updated: 27 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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