• Universiti Putra Malaysia



    Universiti Putra Malaysia-Agriculture


    Universiti Putra Malaysia was established in 1971 as Universiti Pertanian Malaysia through the merger of the Agriculture College of Malaysia and the Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Malaya. Its academic programs began modestly in 1972 with three founding faculties, namely Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. An emphasis was given towards undergraduate academic programs and research in agriculture and related fields.


    In the early 80's, UPM expanded its programs to to other areas of science and technology, and arts and social sciences. Several new faculties were formed and this transformed UPM from an agriculture university into a university of science and technology.



    • Dept of Agriculture Technology
    • Dept of Agribusiness and Information System
    • Dept of Plant Protection
    • Dept of Crop Science
    • Dept of Animal Science
    • Dept of Land Management
    • Dept of Aquaculture








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    Last Updated: 01 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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