• Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin



    Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin-Agriculture



    The Faculty was established on the 2nd of July 2006, with the appointment of the founder dean, Prof Dr Abdul Manaf Ali and the arrival of the first batch students of Bachelor of Agricultural Biotechnology.

    The faculty was established with the objectives to produce well trained undergraduates and postgraduates in agrobiotechnology and to provide agricultural extension activities to the locals. Currently, the faculty is offering courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Biotechnology (starting in July 2006), and Bachelor of Animal Production and Health (starting in July 2009). Postgraduate students can enroll for their Master of Science (MSc) or Doctor of Pgilosophy (PhD) study by research through the University Postgraduate Center .

    Research can be conducted in several laboratories in the City Campus, with supervision from lecturers in various fields of study. The faculty is involved directly in implementing the East Corridor Economic Region (ECER), a blue print of economic region which covers several states in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia for a period of 2007 to 2020.

    Several centers of excellence were identified to be established under the ECER; namely the Micropropagation & Biotechnology Centre, the Herbal Science Centre and the Animal Breeding Center. A similar centre, the Halal and Food Safety Products Centre was established in the Faculty of Food Technology.

    Permanent faculty buildings are currently under construction at the Besut Campus, which is expected to be ready by the year 2012. The lecture, laboratory sessions and farm activities are currently conducted within the City and Gong Badak Campuses, and at various agricultural agencies in the state of Terengganu. Programmes:





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    Last Updated: 01 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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