• Universiti Malaysia Sabah



    Universiti Malaysia Sabah-Agriculture


    The School of Sustainable Agriculture was established on 4 May 2006 with the aim of training manpower in the fields of crop production, livestock production and horticulture and landscape who will assist in improving the agriculture sector of the country based on three main principles – Sustainability, Awareness and High Technology. This school will also play a role in developing and providing latest knowledge on agriculture through teaching and research. Through learning, research, innovation and extension of sustainable agriculture this school aspires to become a centre of learning in the field of agriculture.

    This school was established to train students to become skilled manpower to assist in national agricultural production. Students are to be taught the latest and state of the art knowledge and cutting-edge research in agriculture. The main goal of the school is to produce knowledgeable graduates in the fields of crop production, livestock production, and horticulture and landscape in line with the National Agriculture Policy-3, which emphasizes domestic agriculture production that is suitable, safe and sufficient for local consumption and marketable globally and at the same time maintaining the good quality of our environment.






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    Last Updated: 01 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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