• International Islamic University, Malaysia-IIUM



    International Islamic University, Malaysia-Science


    Kulliyyah of Science offers studies in various pure and applied branches of the natural sciences, which were designed to prepare high quality scientists and researchers in the frontier areas of science, imbued with Islamic knowledge and values.


    Our mission is to produce graduates with deep theoretical knowledge and high developed practical skills for a wide variety of career opportunities, which upon graduation will be of value to academia, industry, the health sector or any relevant discipline in the wider community, whom employers would be eager to recruit.

    Science compels scientists to admit to the essential need of a Supreme Creator and that is why knowledge shall be propagated in the spirit of Tawhid, which leads towards the recognition of Allah as the Absolute Creator and Master of mankind.  Indeed our mission is not only to impart scientific knowledge and develop your analytical, practical and presentation skills, but also to help you along as you strive towards Ihsan.

    Our lecturers were appointed because of the depth and breadth of their expertise and because they relish the opportunity to share their knowledge and skills and thus provide the students with the best education possible in the field of your choice.  Many of them have established reputations on the international stage and are regular contributors to both scientific literature and the popular media.  Rest assured that we will stay abreast of the latest developments in the biological and physical sciences.






    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 03 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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