• Universiti Putra Malaysia



    Universiti Putra Malaysia-Food Science



    Founded in 1982, Faculty of Food Science and Technology is a vigorous faculty with the reputation of being among the best in Universiti Putra Malaysia. It embodies the visionary idea of the University's founding charter : to provide the nation's needs in the field of food science and technology through teaching, research and professional services. The vision has systematically evolved and implemented by committed Faculty members and supporting staffs who constantly share ideas with one another, with scientists in the academia and research institutions and with the industries and customers.

    Faculty began its humble beginnings in 1976 when the Food Science and Technology Department was established under the Faculty of Agriculture. In the earlier stage of its establishment, only one undergraduate program was offered, which was Bachelor of Food Science and Technology. The establishment of the Food Science and Technology Department is in line with the country's need to fulfill the shortage of experts in science-based food field.
    On Mac 1st, 1982, the Food Science and Technology Department was upgraded to a Faculty of Food Science and Technology with tow departments, Food Technology Department and Food Science Department. In 1986, the Biotechnology Department was established and incorporated into the Faculty with the offering of Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) program. This program has six modules; Plant Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Food Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology and Management. Hence, the Faculty's name was changed to Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology.



    • Food Science
    • Food Technology
    • Food Service & Management






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    Last Updated: 01 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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