• Sunway University



    The School of Computer Technology of Sunway University


    The School of Computer Technology of Sunway University has developed a reputation for excellence in offering higher education. We provide an avenue for information and communication technology (ICT) development offering unique specialisations in Information Systems, Information Technology, and Computer Science that keep our students in the forefront of industry demand.

    We recognise that ICT is very much relevant to every area out there especially with the boom in social media, mobile applications and online businesses. As such, there is a high demand for quality graduates who are industry-ready specialists. With our Consultation, Collaboration & Commercialisation Lab, we ensure that our students have the edge with specialised training, participation in industry collaboration and innovation, and exposure to internships and projects.

    Our School offers an excellent educational experience providing support services and personalised attention. Our students immerse themselves in an open academic environment where they grow intellectually and socially, building the foundation to successful careers and lasting friendships. The ubiquity of the ICT industry has allowed many of our graduates to go on to rewarding careers in a diverse range of areas such as banking, finance, business, retail, science, entertainment and more.







    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 27 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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